Pilot Examiners.com

Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge | Airplane Flying Handbok | Instrument Flying Handbook | Aviation Weather
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Private Pilot | Commercial Pilot | Instrument Pilot | CFI - Airplane | CFI - Instrument | Airline Transport Pilot
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This site is for the use of student pilots, pilots, instructors and examiners to help ease their search for training and testing information for the promotion of aviation training, testing and standardization. Any comments or suggestions should be sent to the webmaster. Your comments and suggestions are welcomed. Please tell your friends to log on, try it out and send comments to help make this the best possible link for aviation training and testing information.

Pilot Examiners Home Page

This is a commercial website for use by the General Public in selecting Pilot Examiners, for the purpose of obtaining Flight Checks. Additional links are available for Flight Schools and Instructors, FAA Links, Aircraft Manufacturer Links, Insurance Links, Training Materials and Pilot Supplies.


After years of examining pilots we have found that standardization is a problem from school to school and district to district and examiner to examiner. This website is a private effort to promote standardization among Pilot Examiners, Flight Schools - Part 141 or Part 61 and Flight Instructors. This website will be an attempt to provide links to websites such as IACRA, FAA Published Flight Training Handbooks and Practical Test Standards.

Along with the above mentioned standarization we would like for examiners and individual instructors to contact this website and have their self listed along with their Letters of Authorization and/or areas of specialization, including pictures of themselves a brief resume. Please be colorful. As most examiners, schools and instructors know, most students are totally at the mercy of their flight school and/or instructor as to who they choose to conduct their instruction and checkrides. This website is intended to promote feedback which will be posted appropiately for Examiner, Applicant, Instructor and FAA Review. This should provide a more immediate feedback than the standard FAA questionaire which some applicants receive after their checkrides..

This is a commercial website which will be supported by advertisements by Examiners, Flight Schools, Individual Instructors and Students, Pilot Supply companies, Aircraft Manufacturers, Insurance Companies, Maintenance Facilities and hopefully AOPA and other Aviation Organizations.,

If your school is not listed, please advise webmaster and your flight school. We are happy to update our links.